Parse phone number into area code, prefix, and suffix.

- Identifies syntactically incorrect phone numbers and phone numbers that have not been issued according to the North American Numbering Plan Association (NANPA).
Identifies city, state, and county where NANPA block was issued.
- Appends MSA (Metro Statistical Area) identifier and PMSA (Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area) identifier.
Identifies whether line type is land line, mobile, or pager.
Identifies whether line category is residential, business or small business/home office.
*- Appends time zone.

In many cases, identifies land lines that are currently connected.


HTTP Headers

The "content-type" in the HTTP header must be set to "application/json", otherwise an HTTP 400 Bad Request response will be returned.


Field nameTypeDescription
AreaCodestringArea code
Prefixstring3 digit prefix
Suffixstring4 digit suffix
CountryCodestringCountry code
CountyFipsstringCounty Fips code
CountyNamestringCounty name
DistancestringDistance from input postal code
MsastringMetropolitan Statistical Area
PmsastringPrimary Metropolitan Statistical Area
TimeZonestringTime zone
TimeZoneCodestringTime zone code
LineTypestringSee Line Type.
CodesarrayParsing and validation results. See Status codes.


For a list of codes and descriptions click here.

ValidatePhone Status Codes

This section lists the following types of status codes for the ValidatePhone method

Result Codes

P1Phone number was verified to the full 10-digit level
P2Area code exchange and the first digit of the suffix verified
P3Area code was changed according to the postal code it belongs to
P6Area code updated. The area code was previously split
P7The phone number belongs to a wireless phone
P8The phone number belongs to a standard land line
P9The phone number is assigned to a Voice Over IP (VOIP)
P10Residential: The phone number belongs to a residence
P11Business: The phone number is assigned to a business
P12SOHO: The phone number is assigned to a small business or home office
P20Phone number connection status has been verified
P21Phone number connection status is unknown

Application Error Codes

P13The area code does not exist in our database or contains non-numbers
P14Blank phone number
P15Invalid phone number: Too many or too few digits
P16Multiple area code and prefix matches found
P17The prefix does not exist in the database
P18An invalid ZIP Code was provided

Time Zone Codes

4Atlantic Time
5Eastern Time
6Central Time
7Mountain Time
8Pacific Time
9Alaska Time
10Hawaii Time
11Samoa Time
12Marshall Island Time
13Guam Time
14Palau Time

HTTP Error Messages

Click to see a complete listing of error messages and codes.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!