The following is a complete listing of error messages that could be returned by the service.

MessageDescriptionHTTP Status Code
License key is requiredThe license key was not provided with the request. Contact customer support to obtain a license key.401
First name, last name, address, city, state and match level is required.First name, last name, address, city, state and match level is required.400
An invalid match level was entered.At least one valid match level indicator is required. See MatchLevel.400
Your processing has taken longer than allowed and we cannot fulfill your request within QOSThe request has encountered the upper limit of processing time allowed. We could not satisfy the request within the time allotted.

You are billed for only successful calls, so if you encounter a timeout we recommend retrying the call.
An error has occurred. The system administrator has been contacted.An internal error occurred during the execution of the service. Please contact customer support if you receive this message and provide the transactionid from the response.

You are billed for only successful calls, so if you encounter an error we recommend retrying the call.