View Queue Endpoint

Used to provide a list of files submitted for appending for a window of time by your account. Indicates basic details and processing information for your batch queue appending. Can construct a view on your recent appends as well as reviewing historical appended information. Only files completed within the last two calendar years are available (e.g. During the year 2024, data for all of 2024 and 2023 is available while data from 2022 or older is not). Often used to drive a dashboard view of your appending activity in your application.

GET Management/V1/Queue/View

Url Parameters

startThe optional beginning date (inclusive to the start of day) to view files submitted during a period. The value should be in ISO 8601 standard YYYY-MM-DD format and will be aligned to UTC time zone. If omitted, the current day will be assumed.
endThe optional ending date (inclusive to the end of the day) to view files submitted during a period. The value should be in ISO 8601 standard YYYY-MM-DD format and will be aligned to UTC time zone. If omitted, the current day will be assumed.
_note: the maximum number of days able to be included in a request is a 1 week span_

Authentication to this endpoint is performed by supplying your api key value in the "Authorization" HTTP header of the request.

Response (Success) HTTP 200

  "Complete": [
      "JobKey": "00df912e-a455-4470-b956-7f514b0bd080",
      "FileName": "nameaddress1.csv",
      "DateSubmitted": "2024-05-21T22:57:23.8Z",
      "DateComplete": "2024-05-21T22:57:59.797Z",
      "Source": "SFTP",
      "RecordCount": 503,
      "AvgMatchRate": 0.998,
      "_Ref": {
        "Detail": "/Management/V1/Queue/Detail/00df912e-a455-4470-b956-7f514b0bd080"
  "InProcess": [
      "JobKey": "a47554a6-55cc-4bc6-a08a-db51a7c24de4",
      "FileName": "nameaddress2.csv",
      "DateSubmitted": "2024-05-21T22:17:50.76Z",
      "DateComplete": null,
      "Source": "PublicWebsite",
      "RecordCount": 2503,
      "AvgMatchRate": 0.998,
      "_Ref": {
        "Detail": "/Management/V1/Queue/Detail/a47554a6-55cc-4bc6-a08a-db51a7c24de4"

Understanding the Queue payload

note: The documentation describes the individual file information. In process files and completed files are separately grouped but otherwise contain the same information.

JobKeyThe unique identifier of the file.
FileNameThe name of your submitted list.
DateSubmittedThe date and time your list was submitted (in ISO 8601 format).
DateCompleteThe date and time your list was completed processing (in ISO 8601 format). This element will only be present when the "Status" element value is "Complete".
SourceIndicates what method was used to submit the file for appending. Possible values are Admin, Api, ListBuilder, NationBuilder, PublicWebsite, or SFTP.
AvgMatchRateProvides an evaluation of the weighted average % of records that have matches for all appends performed for your list.
_Ref.DetailContains a url to the endpoint used to retrieve details of the indicated file such as processing report and match rate information.

Responses (Failue)

HTTP Status CodeDescription
403 UnauthorizedYour api key was not found or you are not a current subscriber.
400 BadRequestYou start and end parameters are invalid or contain too wide a span of time.
500 ServerErrorWe encountered and error while processing your request. Please try again.

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All rights reserved.