File Detail Endpoint
Used to check the status of a list you submitted for appending. The detail endpoint returns the file processing status and details about the current processing to you. This can be any file submitted to Accurate Append for your account, not just lists using the Submit File endpoint.
GET Management/V1/Queue/Detail/[JobKey]
Url Parameters
Parameter | Description |
JobKey | The unique identifier of the submitted file for appending. If submitted via SFTP or via website upload, this is automatically generated for you. If submitted via the Submit File endpoint, this is the value supplied in the "request_id" parameter. This value is also available as part of the returned data from the View Files endpoint. |
Authentication to this endpoint is performed by supplying your api key value in the "Authorization" HTTP header of the request.
Response (Success) HTTP 200
"JobKey": "00df912e-a455-4470-b956-7f514b0bd080",
"FileName": "nameaddress.csv",
"DateSubmitted": "2024-05-21T22:57:23.8Z",
"DateComplete": "2024-05-21T22:57:59.797Z",
"Source": "Admin",
"Status": "Complete",
"RecordCount": 503,
"MatchedRecords": 502,
"AvgMatchRate": 0.998,
"ProcessingReport": {
"Operations": [
"Count": 502
"\_Ref": {
"Download": "/Management/V1/Queue/GenerateAccess/00df912e-a455-4470-b956-7f514b0bd080"
Understanding the Detail payload
Element | Description |
JobKey | The unique identifier of the file. This will always match the matching Url parameter. |
FileName | The name of your submitted list. |
DateSubmitted | The date and time your list was submitted (in ISO 8601 format). |
DateComplete | The date and time your list was completed processing (in ISO 8601 format). This element will only be present when the "Status" element value is "Complete". |
Source | Indicates what method was used to submit the file for appending. Possible values are Admin, Api, ListBuilder, NationBuilder, PublicWebsite, or SFTP. |
Status | Indicates what the current status of the file is in. Possible values are Appending, Complete, or QA. |
MatchedRecords | The count of input records on your file that have one or more matches made (depending on appends performed). This number is always between 0 and the number of records in your file, not the total number of matches made in total appending. |
AvgMatchRate | Provides an evaluation of the weighted average % of records that have matches for all appends performed for your list. |
ProcessingReport | Provides a detailed accounting of number of matches made for each append operation performed on your file, grouped by match level and quality type. |
_Ref.Download | Contains a url to the endpoint used to generate a one-time use download link for your appended file content. A null value means the file is no longer available for download from our system (Depending on your account configuration, not all files are allowed to be downloaded either). |
Responses (Failue)
HTTP Status Code | Description |
403 Unauthorized | Your api key was not found or you are not a current subscriber. |
404 NotFound | Your indicated file could not be found for your account. |
500 ServerError | We encountered and error while processing your request. Please try again. |
Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Accurate Append Corp
All rights reserved.
Updated 4 months ago