Submit File Endpoint

Used to upload your list to Accurate Append, specify appending to be performed, and specify a unique way to identify your file from others you submit that is meaningful to your system. The uploaded file size must be no larger than 20MB though can contain up to 100,000 rows (which includes your optional header row).

POST /Management/V1/Queue/Submit

When uploading your file request, the content type needs to be multipart/form-data. The form parameters are listed below.

Form Parameters

fileYour csv formatted file. Byte array contents for the submitted file. The Content-Disposition header must contain the name of your file.
api_keyYour API Key, found in your account profile.
product_nameThe name of your pre-configured product. These are the same as available on the client portal when uploading files via our website. If you need to have new products created or update existing ones please contact support.
column_mapA ';' delimited list of Field Names matching your file content columns. This is used to identify what data is in each column and if it should be used or ignored for appending. If this is not supplied we will attempt to identify what data is present in your file but cannot guarantee this will always work for your file.
delimiterUsed to identify how columns are identified. We support ',' (comma), '|' (pipe), and the \t (tab) character. If omitted, we will assume the ',' character is used.
request_idA value generated by you to uniquely identify your file. The value must be a Universally unique identifier (we suggest using the v4 format for your generation of identifiers).


File Types

Unlike our client portal upload or SFTP transfer options, this API only accepts text files ending in CSV, TXT extensions. Likewise PGP file encryption is not supported at this time.


HTTP Status CodeDescription
200 OkYour request was submitted.
403 UnauthorizedYour api key was not found or you are not a current subscriber.
400 BadRequestYour request has invalid or missing parameters or could not be processed.
500 ServerErrorWe encountered and error while processing your request. Please try again.

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All rights reserved.