Add name and US postal address to your contact records using name and date of birth.


HTTP Header

The "content-type" in the HTTP header must be set to "application/json", otherwise an HTTP 400 Bad Request response will be returned.

Making a request

The Reverse Name and DOB Append request exactly mimics the logic and data sources used in our batch append service, except it allows the user to make single calls using an API programmatically. Pass simple contact information such as first name, last name, city, state, and full date of birth or fragment of date of birth to look up the US postal address of your search subject.

Notes about Match Logic

  • City and state are required. The endpoint will return the most recent record matching the input city and state.
  • First and last names are required. The endpoint will return the most recent record matching the input first and last names.
  • If a full middle name is passed in, the endpoint will return a record only if the record matches the input middle name.
  • If the middle name is blank, the endpoint will ignore the middle name when searching.

DOB Format Codes

  • "M/d/yyyy"
  • "MM/yyyy"
  • "yyyy"
  • "yyyy/MM/dd"
  • "M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
  • "MMddyyyy"
  • "MM/dd"
  • "MM-dd-yyyy"
  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "M-d-yyyy"
  • "MM-dd"

Response Definitions

A single response may include one or more Record elements.

Field nameTypeDescription
AddressstringPostal address
PostalCodestring5-digit postal code
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!